Terms of employment

Terms of employment

VHP2 is often a party, on behalf of its members, to a variety of CAOs. The above memorandum seeks to clarify VHP2's standpoints on employment conditions.

Terms of employment 2021

VHP2 is often a party, on behalf of its members, to a variety of CAOs (e.g. with Philips, KPN, NXP, Metalektro, etc.). This memorandum seeks to clarify VHP2's standpoints on employment conditions in the light of our core values: justice, ownership, connection, integrity and vitality. This is our vision on the topics considered important by VHP2 members.

It includes the importance of co-creation, sustainable employability, mature labour relations, fixed and variable pay, pensions and social plans. As such the memorandum reflects our input in consultations with employers for 2021.

View the terms of employment, 2021 memorandum here